- Email:
- kigreer@iu.edu
- Website:
- https://publichealth.indiana.edu/
- Campus:
- IU Bloomington
Kirsten Greer (She/her/hers) is a doctoral student in the School of Public Health at Indiana University.
Kirsten has a minor in Human Sexuality and Methodology Inquiry. She earned her Master’s Degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Michigan State University in 2021 and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Allegheny College in 2018. Currently she is a graduate research assistant for the DAMMS project. She also works with the Kinsey Institute Disability and Sexual Health Initiative (DASHI) conducting studies on condom use experiences among low vision and blind individuals. Additionally, she is conducting research that evaluates the impact of COVID-19 on marital relationships with the Kinsey Institute Condom Use Research Team (CURT). While she has research experience in a broad range of sexual health topics, her main research interests are focused on the process of sexual socialization and its impact on sexual consent decisions among college students.